Minlacowie and Wingfield Droughtmaster Studs

Established in 1967 as Stud no’s 47 and 49.


Minlacowie and Wingfield Droughtmaster Studs

Are run on two Properties in the beautiful Callide Valley which boasts some of the best farming and grazing land in Central Queensland. Our Breeders run on a very good Softwood/vine Scrub Block outside of Goovigen where we run 10 Single Sire Herds.

Bulls are grown out at Jambin on a Brigalow, Blackbutt, Belah ex farming block which we continue to improve with Leucaena and a good mix of Progardes, Butterfly pea and caatinga Stilo. Progardes is a very good high nitrogen fixing legume which thrives in clay rich soils. It has a very long tap root and is drought tolerant, Highly palatable and non toxic.


Minlacowie and Wingfield
Droughtmaster Studs

Jason and Sam Spann

  • Pattersons Road, Goovigen
  • Phone: 07 4996 5263
  • Mobile: 0408 002 154

Nicole Mills

  • Earlsfield Road, Jambin
  • Phone: 07 4995 3299
  • Mobile: 0428 910 874
  • Email: spanndroughtmasters@bigpond.com
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